Title: Warrior Brothers
Author: Erik Gordon Bainbridge/ www.warriorbrothers.com
Price: $22.00, hardback; $11.86, paperback; $4.51, ebook
Genre: Sci-fi/Futuristic
ISBN: 978-0-9777141-0-0, hardback; 978-0-9777141-2-4, paperback; 9777141-2-8, ebook
Publisher: Marin Web Works
POS Amazon paperback: $11.86
POS Amazon hardback: $22.00
POS Barnes and Noble paperback: $13.95;
POS Barnes and Noble hardback: $28.95;
POS Diesel eBooks: $4.51;
POS Lulu paperback: $12.96;
Two young men search for their place in a universe dominated with outdated societal norms and prejudices, while struggling with changeable belief in their own abilities. Whether mastering the seas of Quogue, freeing slaves from an uncivilized planet, or fighting dragons and fending off mobsters, the young men discover their weaknesses while honing their strengths. Mostly, they learn about an inner faith that gives them hope to overcome any adversity, including themselves.
Cody Jackson comes to Quogue when his father’s ship, the Marco Polo explores a planet where dwells a people once dominated by the powerful Lekadains, another humanoid race of advance technology and long standing governmental influence. At ten years old, he is easily impressed with the Quogian tales of the Warrior Brothers, three young men who brought prosperity to the people through the discovery of metal. Now, regaled as stories in the starry skies, the Brothers promised to return when needed. Fate plays a cruel card as Cody and his father, Carlos delight in boating on the Quogue seas they witness the Marco Polo exploding in space, stranding them on the backward planet.
During the years marooned on Quogue, Cody befriends, Tobin. His mother a native Quogian, Lara returns with her young son after her husband’s death and a paralyzing injury from a spacecraft accident. Shunned by the villagers for an ancestor’s support of the Lekadians that dominated them for many years, they lead a quiet life. Together, Tobin and Cody take pleasure in their training as fishermen on his Uncle’s boat. Early in his growing up, Tobin displays an unnatural physical strength and telepathic influence, a useful skill when ensnaring the evasive Redfins, a seafood delicacy normally deemed for celebrations. A genuinely happy and even-tempered man, he uses that skill in protecting his friend, Cody during barroom fights. The two boys, now grown men are inseparable.
Seven years later, the Warrior Brother legacy comes to life as monks revering the legend privately initiated Cody and Tobin as Brothers; the young men go a long with the ceremony as a means to get sex. However, before their public ceremony, Tobin is kidnapped. As a fight ensues to regain Tobin’s freedom, both young men quickly realize that being a Brother is more about piety, commitment and solidarity, and less about getting laid.
In another part of the planet, Accabo works diligently to restore an old Lekadian shuttlecraft, with his father’s help. He dreams of meeting Starman, the man whose ship exploded, furthering the prophecy that he will lead the Quogians into peace. His people suffer many assaults from barbarians supporting the Lekadians. On one such occasion, Accabo looses his father, burying him close to the launch pad of their spacecraft. He hates the fighting preferring mechanics or computer work. His dream of meeting Starman becomes reality as Carlos comes to examine his shuttlecraft. Their meeting is all he expects, the moment not even dampened by his growing contempt for Starman’s son, Cody.
“Warrior Brother’s” by Erik Gordon Bainbridge details the trials of letting go of self-interested boyhood pleasures and becoming a man of insightful action that gives hope to the people that need it most. An engrossing, compelling story that uses the California Coast Miwok and Kashaya-Pomo Indians as a narrative base line and characterization. Throughout the story, Carlos, Cody’s father maintains his tribal rituals, singing prayers in the morning accompanied by his Native instruments. Then adding insight to how religion maintains hope, the author portrays the Lekadians loosing their faith due to extreme technological advances and universal discoveries, leaving them to believe that Gods do not exist, more importantly illogical; proven by the doused hope in all civilizations they meet after removing their religious artifacts and practices.
Accabo, Tobin and Cody’s journey continues as they infiltrate Dombrel, a planetary mob organization that enslaves indigenous people from other planets. On this occasion, Cody discovers a truth about Marco Polo’s destruction forcing him to relive his childhood loss. Accabo overcomes his fears though finds his niche on the Lekadian spacecraft as a virtual reality expert. Tobin uncovers a power he takes for granted, absorbing the pain of a fallen comrade. However, the lingering knowledge after being inside the man’s mind unnerves him. During the dismantling of the slave camp, they befriend a trusted guardsman, Kwe thrusting all three men on another perilous journey instilled with deceit and lawlessness. Together, the three men overcome their differences and prejudices, merging their ideas and experiences into a formidable defensive force.
Available through several book-selling mediums, Mr. Bainbridge’s novel is suitable for young adult as well as adult readers. This book’s details are fundamental for the whole story’s premise so hard to finish in one evening, but its concentrated action and inviting characters makes “Warrior Brother’s” pleasurable.
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AVERAGE: 8.2/10