Sunday, March 15, 2009

Two Peas Publishing -- cannegardner

From the Two Peas Publishing Website:

You‘ve Written It. What Now?Anyone can publish a book these days. The advent of POD (Print On Demand) technology has removed the cost barrier that kept many talented authors from seeing their work in print. Self-publishing web sites have brought publication within the reach of many talented writers.
However, in many cases the end product turns out to be a disappointment. Most POD sites use standardized templates to design books. The result is a low-quality, cookie-cutter product that will not attract booksellers to stock the book, nor book buyers to purchase it.
Two Peas Publishing was created to provide top-notch writers with the top-notch design their books deserve.
If you’ve always wanted to publish your own book, but were unhappy with the quality of the offerings in the self-publishing world, Two Peas is the solution you’ve been searching for.


Services, again, seem comparable to most of the subsidiary publishers I have looked at. But...and this is a big but, because they are a full service publishing company, they have very specific formatting requirements for their manuscripts, and they do not accept all manuscripts for service. I quote from their website:

To help us create the book of your dreams, it is important that you read and adhere to the following guidelines before submitting your manuscript to us for editing and/or formatting.
Two Peas Publishing accepts manuscripts of most genres, including educational books, books of poetry, and children’s books. We do not publish blatantly exploitative works, pornography, or personal/political manifestos. Two Peas Publishing reserves the right to reject any manuscript that we feel does not fit our company's image, needs or goals, at any time, for any reason."

They also charge an Ingram Catalog listing fee of $20.00 for one year, and Lightening Source's Catalog Listing Fee, we know, is $12.00 per year. Not to mention the proof printing charge of $40.00 for a paperback. So, all in all, they rank more as an on the pricey side subsidy press than a DIY self-publishing company, since they take your manuscript and do all the rest from formatting to editing to cover design, for a fee, that is. --cannegardner

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