I am looking for suggestion of great covers on self-published books. I mean, we need to encourage people who go to the trouble of creating a great cover. Please nominate books any time between Jan 1-20 -- please, not your own books or those of friends. I will open the covers to voting from Jan 20-30. As a bonus I will buy a copy of the winner for review by myself or another of the POD People.
Edited to add:Nominations closed
1) 2) 3)4) 5) 6) 7) 8)9)10)11)
I hope we can nominate more than one! I would like to nominate 'The Right Thing' by James Richard Larson (author's own photography, matches the story well), 'The Splendor of Antiquity' by Cheryl Anne Gardner (you could stare for hours at the cover, picking out the details), 'The Mad Days of Me: Escaping Barcelona' by Henry Martin (matches the story ambiance perfectly), 'Downriver' by Erik Hare (serene and appropriate artwork), and 'Beyond This Point, There Be Dragons' by Julie Burgess-Wells (rainbows and dragons--beautiful!).
I'll take any nominations but decided to cap it at 12 per month. So next mnth I'll probably limit people to one ;)
The Rising Shore--Roanoke by Deborah Homsher.
I'll nominate The Big Red Bucket by Karen Treanor
Ron Sander's Freak or Signature. I reviewed Signature and like that one best overall (except for the title being too small).
Scary, scary stuff. Man is a wiz with photoshop.
I'll nominate King Tut and the Girl Who Loved Him: The Strange Adventures of Johanna Wilson (juvenile/YA fiction)
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