AUTHOR: Mathew Bellingham
GENRE: Horror
POINT OF SALE: http://www.lulu.com/content/847080
First off, the story could have been presented better. A free story to show off one’s work to the public as a teaser should be as polished as anything offered for sale – more so actually, as this might be the only piece a new reader is willing to take a chance on. Just because it’s free doesn’t mean it can be slap-dash. Which in this case, it is: no pleasing formatting, the punctuation and grammar are atrocious, and again, it is all tell and no show. Shorts need to pack a punch when it comes to imagery; this one, while it was a rather comical take on the traditional and overly cliché zombie theme, left me flat and unaffected. I also noted way too many elements borrowed from classic zombie stories like Night of the Living Dead – minus the mood, that is. Too much wisecracking dialog and not enough dramatic scene setting. Not that I don’t like humorous horror; Shaun of the Dead was absolutely fantastic. This is not that good; it could be, but it’s not.
But all is not lost; with a good deal more editing, an overhaul of the dialog, and a bit of added depth when it comes to the imagery, this author could have something really good. Zombified grannies. I loved the theme, and the end was spot on…just a shame it had no bite to it.
reviewed by Cheryl Ann Gardner
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