Monday, December 05, 2011

Become a POD person!

The POD people blog is seeking 'occasional reviewers'. This not-very-onerous position gives you access to the review request yahoogroup.  If you see a book you would like to review you reply to the author directly and CC the group to let others know the book is taken.  We would then hope to see a review posted (or forwarded to me for posting) within three months. 

Occasional reviewers have no participation requirement and, like the rest of us, receive no compensation other than review copies and a linked byline.  If you would like to join our merry band please send an email to with a sample or link to a review you have written  (or other evidence that would lead me to expect that you are capable of writing a book review).


Cynthia Ann Williams said...

I had to laugh at your parenthetical last sentence, though I am not sure you meant it to be funny.

I would love to review books with you, but have never reviewed a book before. Could my evidence that I am capable of writing a book review be that I can write well? I would point you to my blog and published work, but am not sure I should do so here.

Please advise. By your tone and style, I think I'm going to enjoy this site very much.

veinglory said...

Could you drop me a line at veinglory at We can always try a review and see how it goes if you don't have a sample :)