Wednesday, May 05, 2010

New Launch: Peer Critique Studio

Now, to be upfront, yes there is an annual fee if you are not participating in one of their workshops. However, $19.95 for 12 months is a steal, and it keeps out the hacks. Here is some more info from the website:

Why Peer Critique Studio?

You depend on the feedback of others to improve your writing, and you learn to be a better writer by reading and critiquing the writing of others. In Peer Critique Studio, new from Writer’s Digest University, we offer a moderated critique zone where you can receive critiques on your work, and offer feedback on the work of others.

Why Join Peer Critique Studio?
  • Unbiased guidance. Unlike a friend, spouse, parent or coworker, members of a critique group can give you honest, unbiased feedback. Plus, members of your critique group are focused writers who know what works, and what doesn’t.

  • Support. The writers in your critique group are in the trenches with you. They not only provide guidance for your writing, but guidance and encouragement in the writing life.

  • Learn by sharing feedback. When you’re reading the work of another writer for a critique, you’ll identify problems with transition, flow, character development, point of view, and more. The lessons you learn from reading their work can help you revise your own as well!

  • Access to genre-specific forums. You can choose from 16 different writing critique forums, each focusing on a different genre of writing. If you want to focus on nonfiction, poetry, or children’s writing, there is a studio just for you. Or, if you’re interested in a wide variety of writing, you can participate in all studios!

Why Pay for a Peer Critique Forum?

  • Moderated critique zone with high-quality participants. In Peer Critique Studio, each writer is treated with respect. Personally disparaging remarks, argumentative behavior, inappropriate language, and just plain rudeness are not permitted. By participating in a moderated and gated forum, you can get the quality feedback and guidance that you need without personal attacks or irrelevant commentary. It’s a place for serious writers to focus on the craft.

  • Access to premium content. As a member, you’ll have access to a PDF version of The Writing & Critique Group Survival Guide (a $19.99 value) to help develop your critiquing skills. This product alone equals the value of your annual membership. We also offer all members a PDF version of Query Letter Clinic, from Writers Market 2010.

  • Added value for WDU students: By joining Peer Critique Studio, you’ll be able to continue valuable relationships with other writers in your classes in a private environment. You don’t have to relocate or find another forum—you can stay right here!

How to Join

Membership to Peer Critique Studio is included in your enrollment in any workshop from Writer’s Digest University.* If you’re not currently enrolled in a workshop, or want to make sure you have access, you can sign up today for just $19.99 for 12 months.

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