Monday, May 25, 2009

Coming Soon: The Publetariat Vault

From The Publetariat Blog

Publishing Acquisitions Pros
If there were some way to identify the best-selling, best-reviewed self-published books in any category at any given time, and learn how effective a platform each of those books’ authors have assembled to date, would you want access to that information?

Indie Authors
In an effort to attract publisher attention, you’ve got a fine-looking, well-reviewed, respectably-selling book in print, and you’ve put a lot of time, money and effort into your author platform as well. Unfortunately, publishers haven’t noticed.
If there were a service designed to facilitate publisher searches of indie books, making it easy for them to find books that meet their specific needs, are well-reviewed and selling in respectable numbers, would you want your book to be listed with that service?
Read Full Announcement Here.


Enter the Publiteriat Vault: an Authonomy of sorts, without the American Idol voting system or the Publishing House backing. All in all, I think it's a terrific idea in theory. I assume they will catalog based on key words to get the most value from their search engine, which will mean that authors will have to be meticulous about wording their synopses. I will be be waiting patiently for the site to go live, and I am very interested in how they will drive traffic to the site. How will Acquisitions Editors know that this is the place to find what they are looking for? Stay Tuned. -- c.anne.gardner


fred andrews said...

Hi Cheryl,

My name is Fred Andrews and am a self published author who was recently picked up by a small publisher, Kemper Conseil, in the Netherlands. We are using Lightning Source POD and have had many horrible issues with them. I want to speak out. Any suggestions on how I can warn other people about using Lightning Source?

Hope you and your fam. of ferrets are enjoying your mem. day weekend!

Peace, love and a happy ending,

Cheryl Anne Gardner said...

I haven't heard any outstanding complaints about lightning source in the USA. But I am sure you can email your issue to the Writer Beware Blog, and after investigation, maybe they will post their findings. We also have a Better Business Bureau where consumers can rate businesses. It may be isolated to their pod printer in Europe, and I don't know if you have such a complaint system there.